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What is Lake?

Lake is a rich text editor for the web. It aims to be a user-friendly editor, and provides an easy-to-use programming interface to allow further extension.

Why create Lake?

With hundreds of editors already available on the Internet, creating another one might seem unnecessary. But if you closely compare these editors, you will find that they can be categorized into just two types.

  • Insufficient type: These editors might lack essential features that your product needs. To meet these needs, you have to spend a lot of time to customize or develop additional features. And the people who do this work need to have advanced programming skills.

  • Commercial type: These editors usually come with a lot of features, but they are often hard to customize and have slow loading because of their large size. Plus, you need to buy a commercial license to fully integrate them into your product, or you will face some limitations.

Lake aims to be a feature-rich, lightweight editor and is released under the MIT license, which puts very few restrictions on commercial use.

Released under the MIT License.